COVID-19 Workspace Action Plan for Wood Street Studios
The current policy for responding to COVID-19
The current policy for responding to COVID-19
We are following current government advice. Please ensure you stay updated on the latest government and NHS guidance:
At present, every tenant is setup for remote working & we are asking those tenants that are able to work from home in an efficient manner to continue to do so.
We are starting to begin a limited return to the worskpace for those who feel they will be much more efficient within the office environment, consisting of agreed "pods" (i.e. three/four members of the team space) attending the office at one time. This should be agreed & scheduled via our online spreadsheet.
For those tenants that are attending the workspace, please follow these guidelines:
Only travel to the office on foot or bicycle – do not use public transport
On arrival and departure from the office use disinfectant spray to clean: the door handles, shutter locks, meeting table, keyboards, mouse, desk, surfaces, scanner, printer, phones, sink, taps & kettle (and any other objects/surfaces you may come into contact with).
Wash your hands on-arrival at the office (and regularly throughout the day), after returning from the toilet, before and after making cups of tea, preparing food and when returning home from work.
Use a separate tea towel to dry your hands and cutlery – do not share tea towels. Tea towels should be washed and returned to the office once a week.
Wash up your own mugs, plates and cutlery after use during the day. Do not leave dirty items in the sink.
Do not share food
Take out the waste bin at the end of each day
Stay 2 meters away from other staff, other building tenants or external contacts and refrain from any physical contact.
Desks: sit a minimum of 2 meters away from other members of staff. Do not sit directly opposite other members of staff.
Keep windows and doors open where possible (weather permitting) to ensure good air flow to the office.
If you come into close contact with someone with a suspected case of Coronavirus, please inform us and self-isolate for 14 days from the day of contact. Close contact typically means spending more than 15 minutes within two metres of an infected person. If you remain well, you will be asked to work remotely from home during this time and will be paid as normal.
For tenants
If you show symptoms that may be Coronavirus (currently defined as a high temperature, a new continuous cough, loss or change to sense of smell and taste - you should remain at home and contact NHS 111 online for further advice. If you have no internet access, call NHS 111. If your symptoms are mild you should self-isolate until 7 days after the onset of your symptoms. After 7 days, if you feel better and no longer have a high temperature you can return to your normal routine.
Statutory sick pay will be paid to staff if unable to work as a result of contracting Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Please continue to:
Use ‘Zoom’ ( to host and participate in internal and external office meetings.
Use ‘Whatsapp’ & WhatsApp for Web ( messaging/project management software to communicate internally and stay up-to-date on projects.
Use ‘Trello’ ( as a project progress tracking tool, when relevant.
Please be prepared for changes in government advice and the prospect of ongoing changes to the way the workspace operates for at least the next 12 months. Any changes will be discussed in monthly catch-ups or via the Wood Street Studios WhatsApp group for urgent information.
Updated 17 days ago